I won’t be posting today since it’s a major holiday in the US and many other parts of the world. So, I’d like to open up the comments to all of you and hear what you’re plans are for the upcoming year.
- What are your travel blog goals for 2010?
It could be monetizing your blog (and old favorite) or some more specific goals like sticking to a 3 times a week schedule. I’d love to hear some of your comments and what you’ve got planned for 2010. I’ll be posting the results and adding my own personal travel blog goals as well.
[photo by: opopododo]
Oooh I have many goals this year.
Monetization is the biggest one; I’ve been blogging for about six months now and I think it’s time to get that ball rolling.
Also, I really want to figure out how Stumbleupon works and how to use it to my advantage. Right now the whole thing just perplexes me.
Finally, the biggest goal for the year is planning and starting my RTW trip! That’s more of a life goal but I’ll be documenting all of it on my blog so I’ll throw it in as well.
Going to be a busy and exciting year!
It took me a while to ‘get’ StumbleUpon too and I was resistant to it since it frustrated me at first. But it can be a very good way to drive extra traffic to your site (which helps the monetizing too
Can’t wait to hear about your RTW trip when you get the plans down, abouts when are you hitting the road?
Hopefully September assuming I can buckle down and save the money I need! Plans are still up in the air but Oceania and SE Asia will figure prominently…
I intend to build a business around the Amateur Traveler this year. As I announced recently I am leaving my day job in a few weeks so this is the bigs experiment.
The best of luck Chris. I know what it feels like to jump out on your own, both exciting and a bit scary.
My biggest goal is really just to keep up with my blog and get it off the ground and running. I want to maintain it while on the road and increase my readership, even though it just launched less than a month ago.
If monetization happens to the follow, obviously, then so be it!
It take a bit in the beginning to get a good schedule where you can balance blogging and scheduling. Once that’s going it’s much easier to write as you travel. I’ve also added you to my links page too
My goals are to:
1) Have my blog be included in http://boardingarea.com, which is a composite of the top business-travel blogs;
2) Write 3-5 times each week
3) Send out my ezine weekly instead of every other week
4) Have my blog be integrated with my website to show the recent posts, to increase traffic
website: http://www.smartwomentravelers.com
blog: http://www.pearlsoftravelwisdom.com
5) And I’ll also go with the old favorite of monetizing my blog (and website).
It’s going to be a great 2010!
I like well defined goals – Carol let me know if there’s anyway I can help of if you’d like to collaborate anytime, I’m always open to new ideas
My biggest goal is the successful launch of my first digital product in the 1st quarter.
I’m looking forward to it and of course will support anyway I can!
My biggest goal for 2010 is starting out on my RTW trip (leaving mid-April probably)!
I haven’t exactly figured out some goals for my blog, but I guess the biggest thing I want to get out of it is to expand my writing and photography skills. It’d be good to get some freelance (graphic design & writing) opportunities because of it as well.
Great idea to collect these ideas!
Lots of RTWers gearing up for 2010, nice to hear. Thanks Adam, I figured I could take the holiday and hear from everyone else. Wonderful to get so many great responses.
my biggest goal is flipnomad.com…
i’m still in the process of learning the ins and outs of being a travel writer/blogger…
and also more countries to visit…
goodluck on all your plans
It takes some time but if you keep motivation up I’m sure you’ll get there in no time.
The goal for my little blog is to gather a few readers and share the experience with them. Money and all the like is nice but really I’d just love to share the adventure and maybe meet a few fellow bloggers along the way.
It’s refreshing to hear. It seems like many people start out with the goal of making money but forget all the basic stuff in between. Like producing great content and building an audience. It’s much easier to move in other directions once you accomplish those two things.